Are you unsure about how effective your PE delivery is?
Perhaps you'd like guidance and advice on how to start developing a PE Action Plan?
PEAK utilise AfPE's Checklist for Outstanding Lessons and the OFSTED requirements for Outstanding PE to help guide you towards the highest standards of PE in your school.
PEAK will send a PE expert into your school to carry out an audit into your Physical Education provision. This will be bespoke to your needs and can include lesson observations as well as reviewing all of your departmental policies and procedures and action plans. We can even review your curriculum to ensure that it meets the needs of your learners and ensure your staff have the resources to deliver it.
"PEAK's PE Audit was incredibly thorough and went into lots of detail. By the end of it I received a report with strengths, areas to address and a suggested list of action points. It has really been a useful process.
Mrs PE Co-ordinator, Riverside Primary Academy.