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CORONAVIRUS UPDATE 19/3/20 10:15am

PEAK would like to say a huge thank you to schools for ensuring that children of key workers and vulnerable children receive high quality care throughout term time. PEAK not only support our partner schools, we will stand shoulder to shoulder with school staff and maintain our commitment to schools by continuing to send our staff into schools to help provide this cover. If local authorities choose to only open hub schools we will attend the closest school to the one in which we are working on that/those day(s).

We have now made the decision that our Easter camps will be cancelled. We are processing full refunds to all customers who had pre-booked. We are unsure as to whether we will be able to run a camp at May half-term yet (or even the Summer at this point in time).

We obviously hope that camps will resume at some point in the near future. Once we have a resume date we will be advertising a discount code for customers where they can save 40% on all bookings for the remainder of 2020. So this brings the price for 40 hours of childcare/camp down to just £30. We know that a lot of people are going to be watching every penny over this period of uncertainty, hopefully this will alleviate some pressure when things return to normal.

As a team we are in good spirits and the 3 members of staff in self-isolation are all showing signs of recovery from their cold-like symptoms.

We would like to wish everyone who reads this update the very best in these trying times. We hope you are well. Look after yourselves, eat well, stay hydrated, try to be active and care for your families and loved ones. Please be kind to everyone in your local community and look after vulnerable people.

If we have further updates to our service we will continue to post them here.

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