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PEAK have been following their Risk Management Plan for many weeks now and as things stand we are:

- Not going into schools to deliver PE or CPD sessions. This is to protect the health of not only our team of educators but also the children and their families in the schools that we work with.

- Every school who receives PE or CPD sessions has been contacted to reiterate that PEAK will be running an Open Book Accounting programme and that any money saved by us furloughing staff or making other savings due to this period of inactivity WILL be shared out on a pro rata basis amongst our partner schools and we will share this out in the form of credit for services in 2020-21.

- All of our apprentices are in their host school and are being regarded as Essential Staff by their host schools. All of their learning is being delivered remotely.

- We are ready to run potential holiday camps in the May half-term and Summer, however we are not taking bookings until we are absolutely certain as to whether they can go ahead.

- Our office is "open" (remotely) and we have already begun talking to schools regarding their requirements for next year.

- A full review of our holiday camp operation has taken place and we will have an exciting new announcement next week for parents (keep watching our social media channels as we aim to save parents money!).

- We are posting daily PE challenges for any school that wishes to send them out to their home-schooling children. We are posting new ones on a daily basis but you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to view them all.

We will continue to keep everyone informed via these updates, however these may be less frequent than they have been as until this crisis is over we do not expect many opportunities for us to change our current working pattern.

Should anyone wish to speak to us you can call on 0191 704 2022.

Stay well and safe everyone.

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