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Mr Ingram tells us all about Waterville Primary School!

Hello everyone, it's Joe here, and today I'm going to be writing about my time at my only school, Waterville Primary. The first thing everyone probably notices when coming into Waterville for the first time is the design of the school, and that was no different for me. As someone who gets lost easily, it was a great relief to see every classroom and the hall all located on one long corridor, making it almost impossible to get lost. Since my first day, I've been made to feel very welcome by a great team of staff who have been extraordinarily kind and supportive throughout the year. I'd love to go into detail about how excellent the team of staff is; however, I don't think I'd do everyone the justice they deserve!

Though I would like to say quickly, on a few occasions this year, I've been lucky enough to shadow Waterville's PE coordinator, Mr Whalley. I've learnt a lot from Mr Whalley so far and I've really enjoyed developing an effective working relationship with him, which I can't wait to continue over the next school year. It's not just the staff who have been warm towards me; all the children who make up the school have been very welcoming as well. I've loved getting to know everyone in each class, and it's been amazing sharing my passion for PE with such an enthusiastic set of kids.

Waterville also has a great community feel about it; throughout the year, numerous events take place. During the Christmas period, Waterville hosted an amazing Christmas fair. That afternoon highlighted for me what a great job the SLT and other members of staff do building a strong relationship with the local community. My job was to sell sweets, and I got to meet lots of parents/carers for the first time, which I really enjoyed. My commute to Waterville finishes with the short walk down Waterville road, which usually, on Friday mornings, I share with lots of children heading to school with their parents. Nine times out of ten, I'll have someone shout hello towards me as I wander to work, which is usually followed by their parents/carer saying good morning to me also. It's the little things like this that add to the friendly feeling around the school.

One of my favourite parts of my role this year probably has been managing the school's football team. We played four sets of fixtures at John Spence, and all ten players in the squad represented Waterville perfectly every time. In particular, I was very impressed with the way everyone showed great sportsmanship and kept smiling throughout the season. As I said previously, the enthusiasm towards sport at Waterville is fantastic, and this was no different from the football team. Every time we had fixtures coming up shortly, I found myself getting bombarded with questions by the players, such as: "What position am I playing?" "Who's going to John Spence this time?" Though most of the time, this happened either when I was doing work or setting up for a lesson, it highlighted how much they enjoyed playing and representing their school, which for me, is what sport is all about.

To finish up, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time at Waterville so far. I want to thank everyone for letting me become a part of your wonderful school! Stay safe, everyone! See you soon, Joe :)

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