PEAK take the safeguarding of all young and vulnerable people and learners seriously. We have fully trained Designated Safeguarding Leads for all areas of our business and they are contactable at all times. Every member of our team undertakes L2 Safeguarding and Child Protection training before they start work with us. Below you can find our more about Safeguarding at PEAK. Should you have a safeguarding concern you can report it in a vaiety of ways which are listed below. Copies of our policies and procedures are also available on this page.
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Lead DSL
David Johnson
07921 563464
Lead DSL
Gemma Nicholson
07775 338641
Assistant DSL
Mathew Johnston
07411 408085
Assistant DSL
Jamie Moore
07565 420373
Assistant DSL
Kate Slee
07534 620746
Anti-bullying Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Safe Recruitment Policy
Learner Welfare & Safeguarding Policy
Prevent & Promoting British Values
Slavery & Human Trafficking
To report a safeguarding concern you can either:
1. Click on the orange box below and email your concern to us.
2. Telephone 0191 704 2022 (option 4) - if your call does not connect please leave a message, our safeguarding system will automatically send it directly to all of our DSLs.
3. Email or call the relevant person directly.